When obtaining insurance quotes for your car and/or household possessions, keep in mind that there’s a lot of factors that could have an influence on your insurance premium. We are always prepared to give you our undivided attention when it comes to questions or queries that you might have. Below are a few suggestions on how to make a successful claim.
Have the correct amount of cover. Buying insurance through a broker really helps because their assessment ensures you get the right solution.
Be prepared to claim by providing proof and all supporting documentation (eg. receipts of expensive purchases such as TV's, wedding rings etc). More evidence is better than less.
Early claims are far better compared to late claims. If you take your time making a claim and the damage gets worse, nobody wins. Being prompt can be beneficial.
Do not be hasty to throw away damaged items, nor redecorate or clean out the damage too soon, as insurers like to assess what you have lost or has been damaged.
Take evidence photographs to strengthen your claim. Your diligence could make for a quick claim.
Do not be hasty to throw away damaged items, nor redecorate or clean out the damage too soon, as insurers like to assess what you have lost or has been damaged.
Accuprof offers Vehicle and Household Insurance, Household Contents Cover, General and All Risk Cover, Extended Vehicle Insurance (motorcycles, caravans, trailers), and Home Owners Insurance.
Using a broker helps assess your needs and ensure adequate coverage; our customer service team can also assist.
Provide proof and documentation, file promptly, preserve damaged items, and take photographs.
Accuprof strives to process claims quickly, providing service within reasonable and often exceedingly satisfactory timeframes.
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